09.08.10: Memorial for Mr. Shaq
On October 20, 2009 at 10:30am Mr. Shaq, my best friend over
the last 16 years, crossed over the Rainbow Bridge while I
held him in my arms. He joins my beloved Shasta, Zoe and
Nanda waiting for me to join them.
Mr. Shaq worked tirelessly for Heart of Texas Labrador
Rescue so that other Labs could know what he had known his
entire life. To be loved. During his life he fostered over
30 Labs, helping them to learn how to trust again and be the
wonderful Labbies within. I was so touched that he shared
his home with so many Labs in need.
Shaq was born in Montana and lived most of his life in Austin, Texas. He lived an amazing life having been a champion field trial and big air dog as well as humanitarian. Here is a link to his stories, including chapters of his book as they are completed: www.shaqtails.blogspot.com
Mr. Shaq (1993 – 2009)
He particularly loved going to the most wonderful dog park around, Red Bud Isle. There he could pursue his favorite pastime. Swimming. During his last years he could not support himself in the water, so he had a life vest that he would wear to help him float.
I am also forever grateful to Sheila & Roger Wedegis (http://sheilawedegis.blogspot.com) for immortalizing him in so many wonderful paintings over the years, and for donating a portion of the proceeds of paintings to so many Labrador Rescue groups around the world. Shaq’s essence graces homes around the world, and I am grateful to have shared a piece of him with so many.
But most of all I will remember his presence. How he conducted himself with such grace and majesty. Whenever I would wake up and call his name and see him come around the corner was the start of another great day. Even though he is no longer here in body, I know he is here in spirit and is still coming around the corner each morning.
Austin, Texas
04.21.10: Memorial for Petey
Petey was so connected to me. A very loyal and sweet dog. He
had some bone cancer at about 10 and had to put down so not
to suffer. He slept right next to me at night. He is so
James Wooten
Phoenix, Arizona
02.11.09: In Memory of Max
Max was a rescued animal. When our daughter brought
him home, we were not set up for a pet. After some
adjustment, he became part of our family; so much so
that we often referred to him as our fourth child. Max
was diagnosed with “Squamous Cell”
carcinoma of the nasal septum in October 2008. After a
ten month battle to save him, we lost one of the
greatest loves of our lives.
An inscription on the memorial we wrote for Max: “Loving pet and wonderful companion. The pain of cancer can no longer cause you to suffer. Run free in the green fields of heaven. We love and miss you.”
Jan & Keven Bonner |
![]() Max Bonner (October 31, 1997 – August 31, 2009) |
01.06.09: Memorial for Duke
Duke left this world way too young at the age of 8. He was a
gift from God and I truly have to believe he returned back
home to accompany so many dearly departed loved ones. He was
by far the smartest dog I have ever known. He could open
doorknobs and cabinets and sit eye level with me at the
kitchen table. He knew everything that we said to him and I
can only hope he is listening to me now and he knows how
much I miss him. He is buried in my backyard where I stare
at the ground and wonder why… I am hoping that someday
not too far down the road I will be fortunate to find
another dog that I can love as much as I loved Duke…
“May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of his hand…” I love you boo bear…I will never ever forget you… you left paw prints on my heart forever…
Love Susan & Raymond Murphy & Family
East Northport, New York
Duke enjoying the day by the pool.
11.04.09: Memorial for Ranger
Ranger, our chocolate Lab, passed away in April of this year. He was almost 4 and was taken too soon. Ranger was a very special lab that left paw prints on our hearts that we will never forget. — Jesse & Cami K. from Argyle, TX
In Loving Memory of Ranger: May 14, 2005 – April 3,
10.28.09: Memorial for Bailey
We adopted Bailey from the humane society about four years
ago. We believe she was 9 years old at the time. We just
lost Bailey about two months ago. We’ve adopted
nothing but recued dogs for over 25 years and Bailey was one
of our favorites. — Bill and Shona from Couer
d’ Alene, Idaho
Bailey out playing in the snow.
10.28.09: Memorial for Bear
I found Bear in Texas 20 years ago. We’ve been together ever since. Sadly, he passed away on August 14, 2009. Bear was one of the best dogs I ever owned. He turned me into a Lab nut! He was also an excellent duck retriever in his younger days. Bear was a dear friend to the end. God I miss him, but now I have Orla. While adopting Orla hasn’t quite taken away the pain of losing Bear, she definitely helps (view pictures of Orla in our Photo Gallery). — Richard G. from Wethersfield, CT
Bear – The best-est friend anyone could ask for.
08.20.09: Memorial for Brandy (2001-2008)
Brandy from Woodstock, Ontario) was always up for a good
adventure and loved hiking, camping, canoeing and going for
car rides! She put 110% into everything she did. Sadly,
Brandy passed much too young in the Fall of 2008 due to
Inflammatory Bowel Disease. She is also Stella!’s half
sister…same father, different mother (see pictures of
Stella! in our
Photo Gallery). Brandy
will always have a special place in our hearts. She was pure
Brandy all set for a canoe trip
New Memorial Story: A Second Chance
My Clara
Someone told me when I lost my Clara that she and I were
lucky to have had each other. That was the truest statement
ever spoken and one that helped me through a lot of grief.
I picked Clara out of a litter of puppies in northern
Colorado when she was 9 weeks old. She was the runt of the
litter and the pushiest of the bunch. The minute that I saw
her I knew she was the one.
Picture Right: Clara, 1994 – 2008
Clara was never easy as a puppy but smart as could be and easily learned anything that I took the time to teach her. As long as treats were involved she’d do anything you wanted. She quickly learned a full repertoire of tricks and would entertain every time we had company.
As all Labs can be, she could be destructive if not challenged. One day when I came in from work I found that she had not only completely stripped my bed but had taken every item into the back yard. This involved taking the items down two sets of steps and through her dog door. I’ve always wished that I had seen her struggling to get the pillows and the comforter through that dog door and how long did it take her to make all those trips.
When she was five, I had her bred as all my friends and family wanted one of Clara’s puppies. On Friday the 13th, 1998 she presented me with 11 chocolate puppies. She literally backed up to me and dropped each in my hand. My 9 year old, Lucille, is one of her puppies. Lucille, while not as smart as her mother, is a great dog too.
Clara was always a good dog. Clara was a part of my family. The years passed too quickly and she was an old dog. She finally got to where she could not walk and I had to lift her back legs so she could get about. She still wanted to be in the middle of everything that was going on and if she felt like she was being ignored she would bark and demand whatever she wanted.
Clara though gone will never be forgotten. I’m sure that another Lab will eventually fill the hole that has been left in my heart with the loss of Clara, but all Labrador additions to our family will always be judged by the high standards Clara set.
Click here to send us your Labrador’s pictures and memorials.