Please check back often as we add more pictures of Labrador retrievers.ย Please help us build our photo gallery by sending us pictures of your Labrador.
Haus (7yrs old from Houston, TX) strikes a statuesque pose
with his owner Natasha.
Haus was adopted from the Houston SPCA in May 2008.
Sometimes your office mates are chatty and sometimes they
are just plain needy! …
Annika, a 6.5 year old English lab from Birmingham, AL,
could do with some play time.
Velvet (10 wks old from Newfoundland) enjoys a tasty peanut
butter treat.
Aww… how cute! Velvet (7 wks old) takes a nap with her
pink hippo. Note how they
both like to sleep in the same position.
Choco (5 mos. old) enjoyed his first Christmas.
He’s from Dorado, Puerto Rico.
Choco loves to hang outdoors.
He’s such a happy pup!
He also loves going to the beach.
Left: Here’s Choco at 5 weeks old. So cute!
Right: Nothing better than a Choco close-up!