Getting a chocolate Labrador puppy and thinking about dog names? We have put together a list of great chocolate lab dog names below to help you get started. Perhaps the perfect names is in the list already or maybe something here will spark an idea for you. We are updating the list all the time so check back. Also, if you have a great chocolate lab dog name, please send it to us. We’ll add it to the list. |
Our informal research shows “Coco” to be a leading favorite in the chocolate lab dog names category, and we have certainly included it below, but there are lots of other brown-tinted choices to consider. Be creative and, of course, go with your gut after you meet your puppy. Again, let us know what you come up with, we’d love to build an enormous list of great names for chocolate labs.
Aero Agave Amarula Autumn Baci Bailey Bear Betty Crocker Blissa Bosco Bounty Brew Brewster Brownie Bruno Bueno Bunny Burgundy Buster Brown Cadbury (Caddie) Cailler Cajeta Canella Cappacino (Cappa or Chino) Carob Carolans Cedar Charleston Chew (Charlie or Chewy) Charlie Brown Chewbacca (Chewy) Chianti Chikki Chip Chipper Chockie Chokolat Cinnamon Clod Coco Cocoa Copper Cricket Decaf Dibs Donn Donovan Dove Dulce Duncan Dunny Eat-More Éclair (Clair) Espresso Ferrero Finnegan Fiona Folger Fondue Forest Foxy Fudge Ghiradelli (Della) Ginger Godiva (Gaddy) Grizzly |