Group Lab Names
Do you have a pair of labs? How about naming them after this line, With a knick-knack, paddy whack, give a dog a bone, this old man came rolling home., from the popular kid’s song “This Old Man”:
– Knickknack |
These are great lab dog names regardless of the color of your lab.
Abby Abe Abeygail (Abey) Abita Able Adams Addison Addy Adonis Agua Alba Alex Alexis Alfie Allegro Alaska Alma Alonza Alou Amigo Amos Angel Angus Annika Annie Apollo Ari Aristotle Ashley Austin Avery Ayesha Babe Bailey Baumann Baxter Bean Beatrice Beau Beauty Beethoven Bella Belle Ben Benji Benson Bentley Bernadette Bevin Bianca Bingo Blake Bogart Bolto Bonnie Bobber Bobbie Bolt Boomer Boone Bracken Brice Brie Bristol Brook/Brooke Brooklynne Bruin Bubbles Buddy Buck Buckeye Bunny Buster Buzzy Cabella Cady Calder Calypso Cameo Candy or Candie Captain Cara Chance Clara Carlin Carmen Casey Cassidy Casper Catcher Cato Cerise Champ Charlie Chase Chelsea Cheyenne Chloe Chutney Cleo Cody Comet Cooper Coovara Cora Cosmo Coventina Cricket Daiquiri Daisy Dakota Dalia Dante Daphne Dart Daryl Dasher Davis Dee Dee Oh Gee (D.O.G.) Della Delta Deshka Deva or Diva Dexter Diamond Diesel Diver Dollar Doreen Drake Drew Droopy Drusilla Duchess Dudley Duke Durango Dux Dzana Echo Edie Edgar Effie Einstein Elberta Eldora Electra Ella Elllie Elma Elmer Elmira Elmo Eloise Elvis Ely Emiline Emily Emma Moon Eric the Eel Erie Eskimo Ester Eureka Eva Ewok Ezel Fabio Faith Fajita |
Falcon Fancy Girl Fang Farley Farnham Fate Fatima Felix Felton Fenton Festis Fido Figaro Fletch Flounder Fontaine Fonzie Forcial Fraser Frank or Frankie Freckles Fred Friday Fritz Fulton Gabe Gatsby Gemini Geneva George Genghis Georgia or Georgie Geraldine Gibson Gidget Gigi Giselle Goblin Goose Grace Gracie Guinevere Gumbo Gunner Gustav Gypsy Hajos Halley or Hallie Hamlet Hannah Hansel Happy Harpo Hardy Harry Hayley Hazel Heather Hedda Heidi Hemi Hercules Hermes Ho Ho Hobbit Hobo Holly Homer Honcho Hondo Hooch Hope Howie Hudson Hunter Hustler Ice Igloo Igor Inca Ike India Indigo Indy Inez Iris Irma Isabelle Ivory Ivy Inga Ingrid Irene Izabel Jacey Jackie Jackson Jade Jag Jake Jamie Jane Jasmine Jasper Jeeter Jefferson Jenny Jersey Jester Jethro Jewel Jill Jinx Joe Joker Jokester Jordan Jouster Juanita Julep June Junior Juno Jupiter Kaiser Kandy Kane Kara Karma Kassie Katie Keane Keiley (pronounced Key-lee) Kendra Kennedy Kenya Kiki King Kirby Kiwi Kobi Kona Kora Kosmo Krystal Kudo Kujo Kyra Lacey Lady Lana Lane Lani or Lainee Lassie Latoya Laverne Lee Leo Levi Lex Libby Lu Liberty Lickety Split Liebe Lila Lillie Lindsay Link Linus Lizzie |
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Lobo Logan Loki Lola Lolita Lottie Lotus Lou Louis (Louie) LouLu Luckey Lucy or Lucille Macie Maddie Maggie Magnolia Major Mark Marcie Margo Marina Marmaduke Mattie Matisse Max Maud Medley Meg Megan Melba Melvin Merlin MeToo Midas Milka Milo Misty Moater Moby Mojo Molly Montana Moselle Moses Motor Ms. Daisy Muffy Nascar Nadar Napoleon Nata Natasha Ned Neon Nellie Nemesis Nessie Neva Newton Nickel Niko Nitro Nixie Noah Noel Noodle Nora Norbert Noreen Norma Nymph Obi Odele Odie Oliver Olivia Ollie Omega Onni Onyx Ophelia Orion Othello Oscar Otis Owen Ozzie Pablo Page Palmer Pandora Pansy Paris Parker Parson Pascal Patton Pax Paxton Peaches Pebbles Percival Perkins Peyton Phelps Phoebe Picabo Picasso Pickles Pierce Pinocchio Piper Plato Pooka Precious Presley Prince Princess Proctor Prospect Pryor Queeny Quentin Quiche Quigley Quimby Quincy Quinlan Quinn Quixote Rayburn Radcliff Radley Rafael Rags Raider Randolph Ranger Rawlins Rebel Reggie Rene Renegade Rennie Rex Ridgy-didge Riley Rio Ringo |
Ripley Robin Rocket Rolo Rommel Rooster Rosie Rowdy Ruby Ruckus Ruck Rudy Rufus Saber Sadie Sailor Salem Samson Sam or Sammy Sandles Santo Sasha Satin Scamper Scarlet Scoobie Scrappy Scorpio Scout Seamus Shaker Sheeba Shelby Shia ShiBang! Shilo or Shiloh Shredder Shogun Sidney Silas Silver Simba Sir Loin Skipper Skippy Skittles Sky Skylar Soldier Soloman or Solomon Sonny Sooky Sophie Sparky Speedo Spencer Spike Spitz Splash! Sport Sprinter Spuds Star(s) Steve Stripes Sugar Summer Surfer Talia Tanda Tango Tara Taran Tarzan Tate Tatoo Ted Teddy Tess Tewksbury Tex Theo Thor Thorpe Thorpedo Thumper Titan Toby Max Toki Tonto Tori Toro Torpedo Tristin Trooper Tucker Turbo Tyler Ulysses Uno Usain Vamoose van Gogh Vanilla Velvet Venus Victor Vinny Viper Violet Vixen Voltaire Voltar Wade Wagner Wags Waldo Warrior Washington Wellington Wiggles Wiki Wilbur Wilson Winston Wolf Wrigley Yahoo Yang Yankee Yara Yoda Yogi Yukon Yuma Zack (Zachary) Zeena Zeke Zane Zeke Zephyr Zeus Zipper Zippity Doo Dah Zodiac Zoe Zoomer Zorro |
For a group of 3 labs you could name them after the three main rivers in Ireland since labs love to swim. Note: Dodder is also the name of a white or yellow weed, so it could be used for the yellow lab of the bunch:
– Dodder
– Liffey
– Tolka
Names that could be for a litter of pups born in 2010, especially if it’s in Feb 2010, are the Vancouver 2010 Olympic mascots who are dedicated to all children and critters with a dream:
– Miga – black
– Quatchi – brown
– Sumi – brown
– Muk Muk – brown
Names from Alice In Wonderland . . .
– Absolem – the caterpillar – this name means “father
is peace”
– Alice – the fair-haired main character – means
– Bandersnatch – a large white beast with some black
spots. He was one-eyed until Alice restores
his eyesight in one eye.
– Bayard – the bloodhound – this name means “auburn or
brown haired”
– Chattaway – last names of the twins Faith and
– Cheshire – the big grinned cat that could
– Futterwacken – a dance of unbridled joy
– Hamish – the Lord that proposed to Alice
– Imogene – the homely, maiden Aunt
– Iracebeth – the Red Queen
– Jabberwocky – the black dragon
– Jubjub – a flying creature under the Queen’s
– Kingsleigh – Alice ’s last name
– Lady/Lord Ascot – Alice ’s possible future
– Lowell – Alice ’s brother-in-law
– Mallymkun – the Dormouse
– Manchester – Alice ’s sister’s last name
– Mirana – the White Queen – this name means
“wonderful, peace, prosperous”
– Nivens McTwisp – the white rabbit
– Stayne – the Knave of Hearts – a dark character
– Tarrant – the Mad Hatter’s name – this name mean’s
– Thackery Earwicket – the March Hare
– Tweedledee – one of the chubby twin boys
– Tweedledum – one of the chubby twin boys
– Uilleam – the Dodo – the name means “determined
– Witzend – the land where the Mad Hatter was born –
play on phrase “Wit’s End”
Names with special meaning
– Luke – Meaning behind the name:
“Luke” is derived from St. Luke who was a
physician. Just like
his name sake, Linda’s lab Luke has healed her
family’s heartache and loss of their previous
lab. Luke is uncanny in his sensitivities to the
family’s human emotions and knows what
they’re going to do before they do.
– Bhairav – an Indian Sanskrit word meaning
‘Destroyer of Fear’ or ‘Formidable.’ It’s
‘BAI rahv’ or ‘Bhaai-rav’.